The ASPIRE One Record, a carefully curated collection representing the diversity and achievements of humanity, will travel to the Moon on the LifeShip Pyramid Payload aboard Firefly Aerospace's Blue Ghost lander. After launch, Blue Ghost will spend 25 days in Earth orbit before beginning its lunar transit journey. The lander is targeting Mare Crisium (the "Sea of Crises") - a vast lunar basin that will serve as the permanent home for our archive.

The ASPIRE One message contains videos, images, music, and documents that showcase human culture, science, and daily life. Created through collaboration with UNESCO and other partners, this archive aims to preserve a snapshot of humanity for future generations.

Mare Crisium, visible from Earth as a dark oval spot near the Moon's eastern edge, will provide an ideal resting place for our message. The mission represents a significant step in our ongoing effort to create meaningful communications that can span vast distances of space and time.

Mare Crisium Visualisation - Interstellar Foundation

We invite you to follow along with this historic launch. While livestream details are yet to be announced, we will keep our community updated as more information becomes available. Stay tuned for more updates as we count down to launch.

Note: Launch date and time subject to change based on weather and technical factors.